
Latest Release

Check out the latest stable release of Malo. Keep checking on us regularly to see news on our latest versions or upcoming releases and new features. You can also view our version updates on the history page.


Release Date: 2025 February 6

Release Version: 1.0

Download Version 1.0

Note that the files from the zip are not minified. We currently do not minify any files. Please feel free to minify the files if you want to. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Getting Started

Let us look into getting you started with Malo.

  • First you need to make sure you have downloaded the ZIP file and extracted the files into your project.

  • Next you need to reference both your CSS and JS files in your project.

  • Then you can use the below sample code to verify if you referenced the files correctly.

    malo.effect( { element: 'body', effect: 'blink', iteration: 2, duration: 500 } );

Benefits of Malo

There are a number of reasons why you should use Malo for your next project.


You get a variety of animations and effects to use, and you will get more soon.


One animation can have up to 4 variations! This will allow developers a good variety of options.


You can perform callbacks on animations and effects


The library was built with performace in mind. It is optimized for speed and efficiency.


Malo is thoroughly tested on multiple devices and browsers to ensure 0 issues


You can extend Malo with just CSS alone, without having to change the JavaScript code.